A few days ago, I jokingly asked the mailman if "that was all he had for us" as he struggled to bring three large packages to our door. So, imagine my surprise when he replied, "Actually, I've got 3 more boxes in the truck."
At least Roy doesn't think Mommy is all that bad.
And my first few trees were. Martha Stewart would have been proud...my burgundy and gold bulbs with velvet ribbon wrapping the tree...
But when I opened the crate of Christmas decorations that Ib had dragged out of the closet, I realized that some of the most important things in life aren't always color coordinated.
Save for the few glass bulbs, all our ornaments are special in some way. Grandma Clark's reindeer, that I admired as they stood proudly on the window sill every year. Ro's handmade sequined ornaments...reminiscent of those Ma made for their childhood Christmases. The ceramic Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy that were on our Christmas tree for as long as I can remember. And the stuffed Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy that Ma gave Ib and I the year we surprised them in New Hampshire.
So our Christmas tree is a mis-mash of ornaments and colors. It is memories. It is family. It is love. And it is perfect.
Our stockings are hung by the window with care. They are a little empty this year, but our hearts are overflowing with all the blessings 2009 has brought us. And that is what matters.
Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Christmases.