This morning we met up with the Rawn's for the first hike of the year. We went to Catalina State Park, in Oro Valley, near my old neighborhood. Maddie had her very own mini-Camelback, while Hailey was riding in style.

We did a short 2 mile trail called the Canyon Loop. It crossed the wash a few times, which had water because of the snow melting off Mt. Lemmon.
I've never been very good at rock balancing. Not to mention, Cooper chewed my hiking shoes, so I just had on my Adidas which have no tread whatsoever.
So, when we came down the hill to the wash, and I had Maddie on my shoulders, I just trucked straight through the water. I was envisioning both of us going in the drink...and that just would not have been a pretty sight!
It was a gorgeous day to be out! The sun was bright, with temps in the mid-60's and a nice breeze. Ib packed us a snack lunch with crackers, cheese, pepperoni, granola bars, carrots and apples. We had a picnic feast in the middle of the trail.
We were definitely some happy, hikers!
I suggested to Ib that we plan to do a hike each month this year, in the interest of getting out and being more active. We'll see how it goes!
But I think we're going to have to work up to the longer hikes...this one just tuckered poor Hailey out.