Monday, January 19, 2009

Feng Shui...

...according to my husband "is just a fancy term that translates into an excuse for the woman to move all the man's stuff into the garage."

Shortly after moving in with Ib, I got this fantastic idea to paint the livingroom orange. Roasted Pepper, actually. It wasn't a bad just needed a little help. And the surrounding white walls weren't cutting it. Of course, painting is one of those home-improvement projects that I get really excited about until the 1st swipe of the roller. At that point, the novelty has worn off and I'm wondering why I didn't just hire someone to do it for me. Thus, the one obnoxious orange wall that's been dominating our livingroom for the past 3 years.

So when we got the call that Ro had booked her plane ticket to fly in for the gem show and that Reef and Tawnisha would be making the drive down from Colorado as well...

Yep, you guessed it. Off to Ace Hardware I went!

Despite appearances, Ib really enjoys painting. Really.

It's something I'd been thinking about doing for awhile now. I just needed a good reason to get the job done! The main color is Sedona Sands, with an accent wall of Truffle. Mmmm...truffles...

Everything back in it's place.

Mr. Spider-plant is liking the new digs. Earth tones really improve his feng shui.

He's smiling because he doesn't know I'm going to tackle the kitchen, next!

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