...according to my husband "is just a fancy term that translates into an excuse for the woman to move all the man's stuff into the garage."
Shortly after moving in with Ib, I got this fantastic idea to paint the livingroom orange. Roasted Pepper, actually. It wasn't a bad color...it just needed a little help. And the surrounding white walls weren't cutting it. Of course, painting is one of those home-improvement projects that I get really excited about until the 1st swipe of the roller. At that point, the novelty has worn off and I'm wondering why I didn't just hire someone to do it for me. Thus, the one obnoxious orange wall that's been dominating our livingroom for the past 3 years.

Yep, you guessed it. Off to Ace Hardware I went!

He's smiling because he doesn't know I'm going to tackle the kitchen, next!
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