Yep, that's how we roll. At least, that's how we rolled away from Colin and Melissa's house this weekend!
Ib traded hours and hours of grueling tile-work for a truck load (LITERALLY!) of baby gear. We are so thankful to have such awesome friends to help us out. We now have: a swing, a jumper, a Baby Einstein play center (YAY!), a baby tub, a car seat, a stroller, 2 garbage bags FULL of toys (thanks Madison & Hailey!), a couple different activity mats for the floor, a grocery cart/restaurant highchair seat cover, a glider rocker with a foot stool, a Baby Bjorn, a Boppy pillow, a wedge-mat to elevate one end of the crib mattress if the baby is congested or has reflux, a microwavable tummy warming-pad for gas bubbles...I'm sure I'm forgetting something! And Mel's mom even sent us some wash cloths and receiving blankets...Thanks, Toni!
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