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Last weekend we met up with the Rawn clan in Willcox, AZ at Apple Annie's Orchard. That's right...apples, peaches, pumpkins, corn, sunflowers...all growing in the middle of the desert.
Madison was hamming it up on the hayride out to the pumpkin field.
Two proud Daddies: Ib & Colin.
Uncle Ib and Hailey in search of the perfect pumpkin.
It was a beautiful day for pumpkin-picking.
Then the girls enjoyed playing in the "corn bath". They filled their shoes, pants...anything that would hold corn. Mel is still picking kernels out of her washer and dryer.
Today, we met up with the Rawns again at the zoo. Colin's sister, Molly, and her little one, Piper, came to town from Montana. Again, it was a lovely day to be out and about.
Knox posing with the elephant (this is for you, Auntie Am). He was thrilled.
Hailey-bug was rocking the skull & crossbones pants.
Even the giraffes got a special Halloween treat: pumpkins!
They were chowing down.
We made quite the stroller parade, tooling through the zoo.
Maddie hanging out in the tortoise shell.
Knox really did enjoy his day. And we all got a little fresh air and sunshine.
Today Knox is 3 weeks old! On one hand, it's hard to believe that it has already been 3 weeks...but on the other, it seems like he's been a part of our family forever. Either way, we are so blessed to have such an awesome little guy!
He is such a happy baby! I love his little smile. And he is exploring more and more of his world each day. I love to watch him discovering things.
Vinnie is such a lover. He and Cooper keep a close watch on the baby. And any time we leave, they make sure we brought him back when we get home. I'd say they've grown to like him.