We began his "eviction" proceedings Wednesday evening around 7:00 pm. With little to no action all night long, and still at 4 cm, Dr. Montemayor broke my water just before 4:00 am. By 4:15, I was nearly hyperventilating and demanded an epidural. Ib was a champ and tried to help me breathe, but I couldn't focus. The pain factor was sort of like going from 0-120 mph in 6 seconds. Whew!
After the epidural started working, things went so smoothly. I had a little rest and by 6:30 am I was already fully dilated. Ib and our nurse, Paula, helped me start pushing. He probably would have been delivered in about 5 pushes, but we had to wait for the doctor to come back. I was able to watch the delivery with a mirror...which I was unsure about, at first, but am so glad I chose to watch our little man make his entrance into the world. What an amazing experience!
Meanwhile, Mom and Auntie Am had just hit the ground in Houston on their way to Tucson. Ib picked them up from the airport and they made it to the hospital around 2:00 that afternoon.
Knox's pediatrician, Dr. Hobeich, gave him the OK to go home that day but I had to stay 24 hours. So Mom spent the night with us in the hospital while Ib went home to get some much needed rest. We had a pretty sleepless night. Knox really only ate shortly after he was born and didn't seem interested the rest of the day. So he was up "snacking" all night.
Ib and Auntie Am brought breakfast the next morning and then Mom and Auntie Am went back to the house so Mom could get some sleep. Ib and I hung out waiting, impatiently, to get word that we could go home. We were finally sprung just after lunch. Grammy had a nice nap and was just waiting to hold the baby again.
I was exhausted, but couldn't (or wouldn't) go to sleep. I didn't want to miss one amazing second of what was going on around me.
This is what life is all about!
aw he's pretty cute! :)
lottie's in the hitting/biting phase... enjoy their sweetness while they are still toothless lol.
Yay! We love KNOX!! Can't wait to meet him. I also LOVE that he got a cake made for him! So cute!
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