This week Knox has been focusing on laughing. When he didn't have something in his mouth, that is. There are a couple things that almost always make him laugh: Vinnie and Cooper, dancing with Mommy (Rock This Town by The Stray Cats is our favorite) and when Daddy says "Poo-poo, pee-pee, penis, hiney." Apparently, that used to make Daddy laugh when he was little, too.
He has also figured out how to roll himself over on his belly. The first time he did this was right around the 4-month mark. I nearly freaked out when I went to check on him during nap time and he was sleeping on his belly in the crib. But then I realized if he was strong enough to get himself into that position that he is capable of getting out of it. Really, it was no worse than the time I found him with the blanket over his head. Crisis averted, everything back to normal.
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