Thursday was a beautiful day in skies, sunny and 78°. The perfect day for a baseball game!
Our company gets tickets to the Spring Training games every year. So my supervisor, Bud, invited Ib, Knox and me to go. Really, I think he just wanted to hang out with Knox!
He was quite the little VIP at the ball park. Even the lady at the beer stand took his picture with Daddy. Everyone said how cute and asked how old he was. It was his 25-week birthday.
The Diamondbacks hosted the Chicago Cubs. As usual, we had great seats. Five rows up from the Cubbies' dugout.
Knox wasn't too interested in the game. He was definitely interested in our nachos, though, and was "this close" to getting away with a fistful of cheese.
It was a long afternoon for a little guy, though. He fell asleep on my shoulder just before the 7th inning stretch. I hummed along and swayed to "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" anyway, just so he wouldn't miss out on his first experience.
Maybe next year, once his teeth come in, he can try those peanuts and CrackerJacks.
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