Sunday, July 11, 2010

Music on the Mountain

The last Sunday in June, we ventured up Mount Lemmon to Summerhaven for the day. Our friend Jim's band was playing at Music on the Mountain. Not only was it a rockin' good time, it was also a great excuse to escape the Tucson heat for the afternoon.

A view of our fair city, as we begin our ascent.

A lovely afternoon to take the bike out. (Dad...are you listening?!)

Still climbing. It is 24 miles from the foothills to Summerhaven. But I love the scenery and the views. I find myself hanging out the window taking pictures every time.

Knox and Daddy tried out some new head gear. Daddy is a better faker than Knox. Truthfully, neither one of them was very impressed with my selection.

We hiked down to the Cookie Cabin and had a little pizza for lunch. Knox had some O's and veggies, and a nice piece of crust.

There was a good crowd and The Jim Howell Band was rocking! They even played the Stray Cats, just for Knox. So he and Daddy got to dance.

We decided to take the long way home...down the back side of the mountain. I'd never been that way, but Ib had. He's actually biked down it several times. I prefer 4 tires, thank you.

What a great ride! Knox was bounced to sleep within the first 3 minutes, and we took our sweet time: stopping for photos and taking it all in.

I have to say, it was nice to get away from civilization for awhile.

As far as the eye can see...and I love the shadows of the clouds.

We even came around a bend to catch a glimpse of the biggest bobcat I have ever seen crossing the road. He was quicker than my camera, though, and disappeared the minute he went into the bushes.

The next closest thing to wildlife we saw, other than a lizard, was the free range cattle. Just a half dozen cows, standing on the hillside. Ib mooo'd at one and he started to charge the truck.

Finally, about 2 1/2 hours after we'd left Summerhaven, we arrived in the town of Oracle. We stopped for dinner at Bub's Grub, a BBQ joint. Knox had his first macaroni & cheese and got to try some of mommy and daddy's apple crisp with ice cream. All in all, it was a fantastic day for our little family!

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