It didn't take long, but our little guy is not so little anymore! On Wednesday, Mr. Thane turned 4 months old. We headed off to his well-baby check, stylin' of course.
Following in the steps of big brother, he was the most popular little dude at the Dr.'s office. These Contessa boys are charmers, I tell ya!
He weighed in at 15 pounds and is 24 3/4" long. This puts him in the 50th percentile across the board. Dr. Hobeich is very pleased with his growth and development. Thane is rolling up on his side, but hasn't quite turned over to his belly yet. He smiles and "talks" and has recently started laughing. He especially likes when daddy tickles him...and when we take his arms out of his shirt sleeves, that is particularly funny to him.
He is a generally happy little guy. He is starting to enjoy spending time playing in his exersaucer.
And Dr. Hobeich gave us the go-ahead on cereal, veggies and fruit. So today for dinner we gave him his first taste of oatmeal. At first he wasn't too sure.
But it didn't take long before he was lunging forward when he saw the spoon coming! The first few tries he pushed most of it back out of his mouth with his tongue, but then he got the hang of it and gobbled up the whole bowl. Then he drank 5 ounces after that!
He is finally starting to take larger feedings and we are hoping that sleeping through the night will follow. We've never really given him the opportunity to self-soothe and fall back to sleep when he wakes at night in the interest of keeping the rest of the household asleep. But we're starting to try some new tactics. He is starting to sleep in his crib, in the bedroom with Knox. He seems to sleep much better and, so far, he hasn't woken Knox up at all with his middle-of-the-night protests.
Growing up quick, this one! And cuter by the day. We are one lucky family of four.
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