Just when I was beginning to wonder, Thane surprised us. I guess he must have read the last blog and taken it as a challenge. The moment I typed "He hasn't rolled over yet" and published it, guess who was on his belly?
As if that weren't thrilling enough, he saw my "roll over" and raised me a "sleep through the night"! I relieved Ib of his night-duty and started getting up with Thane several nights in a row, to keep his night time routine as consistent as possible. Within a few days, he was satisfied with just having his binky back when he would wake up at 3 or 4 am. YAHOOOOO!
The earliest he's had a bottle since that breakthrough is about 5:30 am. And that was only one time. Several nights I haven't heard a peep out of him until morning.
His last feeding is between 10:30 and 11:00 pm, and so far that seems to be working. I am hoping to start bumping it back by 15 minutes until we get closer to a 10:00 bed time. But I need to work on getting him to self-soothe back to sleep when he wakes up, first. We've been hesitant to let him fuss too much, in the interest of keeping Knox asleep.
So we're definitely making progress. And everyone seems happy! He's doing really well with solid foods, also. He's had sweet potatoes, bananas and squash. The squash seems to have been his favorite...he gobbled up almost a whole tub, after he polished off a 5 oz. bottle!
He is a growing boy! Bigger and cuter by the day.

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