To be honest, I'm suprised it took me this long. Afterall, I did find myself in the clearance aisle at Target scarfing up toys like they were going out of style just after Christmas. I've got baby and toddler toys stashed away in the closet. And that was before we even knew we were pregnant. Unless I was getting telepathic communication from the womb..."MOM! CAN I HAVE THAT PLEEEEEESE?!" Uh-oh. It's starting already.
One nice thing about having a baby is that so many people are more than happy to buy baby things. Like my sister-in-law put it, "Who would have thought people would give you presents, just for having sex?!" Of course, for a shop-a-holic like myself, it can be downright torture. Last night Ib reminded me that many of our friends are also saving up their no-longer-needed baby items and just to "settle down" on my shopping urges. And just when I thought I'd found a new hobby... Who does he think he is, anyway?
I've been scouring Craigslist and think I found a pretty sweet deal on a crib. Just waiting to find out if it's the convertible type. Yeah...2 weeks ago, I wouldn't have even known what a convertible crib was. Talk about getting an education!
My next appointment is February 19th. We'll be able to hear the heartbeat then. But we've still got a while to wait before we find out if it's a girl or a boy. Either way, I've pretty much made up my mind on the color of the room already. I've been on a strange aqua kick as of late. I never cared much for shades of aqua...except in about 1987 when "teal" first appeared in my Crayola 64 Box. But I think aqua is the ticket. If it's a boy, we can accent more with greens. If it's a girl, we can add some purples. I can't wait to go buy paint!
So since I thought I might have the crib taken care of, it led me to bedding. Let the fun begin! Again, I was schooled in a hurry when I realized baby bedding can be more expensive than a queen size comforter set. I'm in the wrong business! Babies and weddings: That's where the money is, folks. Honestly! People are buying these "designer" $500+ crib sets...WHAT IN THE WORLD FOR?! Oh, maybe they have the non-pooping, non-puking type of babies. Obviously, I'll need to do a little more research that one.
And then, I found it. Ebay never lets me down! I hope Ib likes it. I'll have to run it by him when he wakes up. Then I can start saving pennies.

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