Every year, during the first two weeks of February, Tucson hosts the largest Gem & Mineral Show in the country. Hotels are booked up a year in advance. Traffic quadruples (no thanks to the I-10 construction). It's something to see, for sure.
Of course, I especially look forward to the arrival of the gem show because Rohana, Reef and Tawnisha always come out for a week or so. This year was no exception. With Apollo in tow, Reef and Tawnisha made the drive from Colorado. In keeping with tradition, we went straight to Takamatsu for dinner.
Tawnisha and I spent the week exchanging pregnancy symptoms, while Reef entertained himself playing dress-up with Vinnie and Cooper. He's going to be a great dad!
Vinnie was not amused, as usual, but Cooper was a surprisingly good sport. He looked pretty tough in that surfer-dog muscle shirt.
Ro flew in from Florida, and Hass and Farlan came down from Phoenix to join us for a BBQ. Unfortunately, Amy and Shanika couldn't make it. But we did get the cutest card for the baby...even Jayden signed it. Pete and Little Pete stopped by and we all enjoyed some good grub and fun.
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