Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beauty Sleep and Little Brothers

Vinnie is a pretty unique dog. He's got the greatest personality and loves absolutely everyone. Yet, as any good dog should, he has a few quirks: Like he loves when Ib (or anyone, for that matter) blows in his ears. After about 30 seconds of this seemingly torture, he will dash around the house in circles at top speed. It's pretty comical.

He's also particular about his morning ritual. I partially blame Ib and myself for catering to the dog, but nevertheless, he must eat his breakfast on the carpet. The tile is far too cold for his delicate paws in the morning. And immediately after breakfast, he is tucked in on the couch while Ib and I head off to work. On weekends, though, he gets to sneak back into the warm bed, even if it's already been made.

He sleeps about 18 hours a day during the week. And, while he's a happy dog when we're home on the weekends, it doesn't detour him from getting his recommended beauty sleep.

Until his pesky brother (and Mommy) comes to wake him up, that is.

1 comment:

Nini said...

Love those dogs...Vinnie seriously still reminds me of Dobbie the house elf from Harry Potter! Hope you are feeling well!