This morning I awoke to the incessant song of the mocking bird, again. It was 1:45 AM! Now I realize why Ib gets out of bed to take pot-shots at that bird, in the nude. The thing did not shut up...and I did not fall back asleep. We've come to realize that it is truly a ghetto it really sounds exactly like some one's car alarm going off. And going off. And going off.
When our alarms went off this morning, the bird was still singing away. I told Ib how early it woke me up. He got up and went outside to try and find it. The thing is getting smart...he quieted right down when he saw Ib come out after him. No sooner did Ib get ready to shave and the noise started up again! He went tearing out the door, giving that bird what-for: "First you wake me up, and NOW you wake my wife up!"
And there he was. Perched on top of the telephone pole...just within BB range. Ib swears he hit him a couple times...but he kept on chirping. He says they just don't make BB guns like they used to.
Great PIc!....all that's missing is the Tucson version of the Mad Bomber hat!....Great Blog you two....just love it...finally caught up today, 3/21/09, and read from Nov. 4th thru now...Love Ma
you need white noise...just turn the radio on to static and turn it down low enough where it's not annoying. joe and i have very loud neighbor dogs that get up and bark around the yard at 6am most mornings. the constant sound of white noise drowns it out.
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