Monday, July 13, 2009

Mop and Glo

After two grueling weeks of sweating, dirt and climbing over furniture, we finally managed to finish the floor. It turned out great and we're so happy that the carpet is gone.



Cooper has already claimed the new rug as his own.

The chocolate brown shows little dusty dog prints, but it's nothing a daily Swiffer-ing won't take care of. Ib wants to get a couple smaller, matching rugs for the front door and the hallway. Other than that, though, our latest and greatest home-improvement project is complete. Sweet success!


Nini said...

It looks SO good! Nice work! Your house is so styly now! If only we could come over and hang out with you!

Amber said...

I really like that rug.

devon spec said...

ilike how the squares mimic and highlight the squares of the pictures on the wall.