Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dogwood Hill

This blog is in honor of my grandparents: Grandpa celebrated his birthday April 7th. They will be celebrating their wedding anniversary May 26th.

I talk to them just about every weekend. Sometimes I'm interrupting lunch, or Grandpa's nap (even though he's really just reading the paper with his eyes closed)...but they are always happy to chat!
We catch up on what happened during the week. And during football season we give each other a hard time about the Steelers and the Bills.

I've been meaning to share these photos. I finally remembered to grab them off the hard drive. They are from our trip home for Christmas last year.

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa are taking a road trip to Tennessee. Here's wishing them a safe and fun trip. And I'm looking forward to hearing all about their adventure when they return to the banks of the Ohio.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Saturday morning, after Ib cooked an awesome blueberry & banana pancake breakfast, we drove out to the Yetman Trail to meet Laura (and friends) for a hike. It had rained pretty hard the night before but had cleared up and was sunny...until we started down the trail, of course.

Cooper and Vinnie were little hiking troopers, though, and kept on going. Mainly because they didn't have much choice. It was chilly in the rain! I was so glad I'd been smart enough to wear a hoodie.

We've hiked this trail several times before, but it was Laura's first time. The old stone house is so intriguing. Every time I see it, I wonder who built it, and why it was never finished.

Even in the rain, it was a nice hike and good to see Laura. It's been forever!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Love-Hate Relationship

It's been awhile (See, I can practice self-control!), but I found myself browsing through Target on Friday. I love that store! But at the same time, I usually find myself spending way too much money in there before I even realize it.

I only meant to run in and get some heat patches for Ib's back and toilet paper. But, inevitably, I was sucked in by the evil Dollar bins, stategically placed right inside the front door. DOH!

I couldn't resist the Sesame Street books. I actually put about 6 more back...they were just paper books, though. We've got a little while before we'll need those.

And these were just too cute to pass up: Animals and Nursery Songs. Of course, I couldn't just stop there: I had to keep digging and see what other treasures I might have missed. And it's a good thing I did, or I might not have found this little coat rack!

...Or those Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, or Cadbury Cream Eggs...

I love shopping! (And I still managed to make it out for less than $40!)